A Secular Society
A friend, The Shrimp Connection, emailed this article. It’s unbelievable! I’m thinking that I ought to post this information. While browsing the usual stuff, I followed a link on Beef Always Wins to Rich’s friend in Hawaii, PalmTree Pundit. Well, PalmTree Pundit has also posted on this article! From her post, I also learn that homeschooling is illegal in Germany! Now my wife and I have homeschooled eight children. And in doing so have attempted to instill in them Christian values, a Christian worldview and, of course, an education that money cannot buy! To quote my friend The Shrimp Connection, “This is what happens in secular society and I hope the mainstream media picks this up and scares America with the potential.” Well, I doubt the MSM will pick this up, or even think twice about it, but it helps me to realize the long lasting effects of the Godly heritage that we have in this great country of ours and the power of the prayers of His people! I'll appreciate your comments.
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