Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Another Attempt from the Left to Undermine the War on Terror

The New York Times is reporting today that a US District Court Judge in Washington, DC (a Carter appointee) has ruled that military tribunals for prisoners at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are unconstitutional. The article states:

In a setback for the Bush administration, a U.S. district judge in Washington
D.C. also ruled that the Guantanamo detainees have constitutional
protections under the law. An attorney for the Bush administration had asked
the judge to throw out the prisoners' challenges, saying their fate should
be left to the military.
The military tribunals have been criticized by human rights groups
as fundamentally unfair to defendants.

This ruling comes about two weeks after another Federal Judge ruled the exact

My opinion, and I am only a Real Estate Attorney, not a Constitutional Law expert, is that this ruling has ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN US LAW!!! The only possible purpose behind this ruling is undermining the current administration and this nation’s war against international terrorism. Constitutional rights do not apply to convicted felons in our own country…now a federal judge is saying the US Constitution applies to international terrorists!!! Are we going to let them vote in our next presidential election?!?!? These people do not even rise to the level of prisoners of war. They wear the uniform of no country. They dress as civilians. They purposely kill innocents. As such, they are not even covered by the Geneva Convention. Now they have Constitutional rights! This judge should be impeached -- either for gross incompetence or for giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation.