Thursday, February 17, 2005

Red Light Cameras

Credit to ~rich at Beef Always Wins for putting me onto the topic of RED LIGHT CAMERAS. About two years ago, I got a “citation” in the mail with a picture of what looked like my car going through a red light. My first thought was “no way!, I did not run a red light!” Secondly, how does a private company have the right to take my picture and then demand that I pay them money!?!? Sounds like extortion to me! What about my right under the Constitution to face my accuser? What about the HUGE conflict of interest with the red light camera company, since under our local program they keep most of the money?

The North Carolina Constitution requires that ALL fines and penalties shall go to the benefit of the public schools. In the case of red light cameras, though, the money collected goes to the city and the red light company. It is here that a lawyer friend of my decided make his case (not withstanding the myriad federal constitutional issues). Anyway, my lawyer friend appears to have been successful (pending appeals, et c.). See Article.

As for me, I didn’t pay the money. Had I paid it, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at night. My question is: Why are the people of this country putting up with this type of abuse?